Money at the bank must be kept secure and safeguarded against online fraud. It is crucial to put money to work in the form of wise investments in these times of high inflation. However, it’s equally necessary to keep bank cash secure and protected from online theft. The essential actions to stop fraudsters from engaging in such activities are:
The mobile phone number on file
Make sure the bank has your current mobile number on file. The phone company may occasionally assign an old number to a different user, in which case the bank may send SMS notifications to the new user on that number. These details could be used by a con artist to modify passwords and make account withdrawals.
Every time you get rid of an old number, you should promptly register the new one with the bank.
Applications for remote desktop and mobile sharing
There are various programmes that let someone else control a user’s computer or mobile device. Users are persuaded to download these apps by con artists, who then ask for their consent to access their smartphones in order to conduct financial transactions. If such an app must be utilised for a certain function, remove it as soon as the function is finished.
The browser and Internet security
While making online purchases, avoid clicking on pop-up messages at random. Users must ensure that the link to the bank’s official website is activated in order to access the account. It is advised to use the most recent versions of web browsers because older ones can have security flaws. Additionally, using free WiFi for financial activities should be avoided.
The government has taken a number of actions, including establishing the Cyber Swacchta Kendra and publishing advisories addressing cyber threats. Cyberspace is absolutely enormous and has no boundaries. Owing to the anonymity provided by the internet, it is frequently exceedingly difficult to impossible to track down a skilled cyber-criminal. People must therefore be conscious of their surroundings both online and in the real world.